Monday, March 3, 2014

Ready for Spring?
Participate in the Spring Fling Blog Hop  and a chance to win a Paperwhite Kindle, a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate, and a variety of prizes offered by each participating author.

Spring Fling Banner 

Aloha for visiting my page and participating in the Spring Fling Blog Hop.  I wonder if you are looking around for the signs of spring?  Even in Hawai'i, where temperature variations are minimal, the signs of spring are emerging--longer days, more eggs in the hen house, and blossoms on the avocado trees.  
In the comments section of this post, share your favorite signs of spring, your name and email address for the chance to win one of the grand prizes, or my prize--a $10 gift certificate to and a kindle copy of my debut short story, Only on Valentine's Day.

1.Books To Go Now2.Danica Winters
3.Sharon Kleve Romantic Ramblings4.Joanne Jaytanie~This is not your mother's romance
5.Calinda B - Wickedly hot, dangerously fun6.Rhonda's Doings
7.Dawn Luedecke-Always Have Passion8.Inside the Secret World of Allison Bruning
9.H. A. Somerled 10.Stories About Love
11.Mindy Hardwick, Author12.Not Necessarily In That Order
13.Iyana's Rainbow14.Amber Daulton
15.Natalie-Nicole Bates16.Paranormal Hockey
17.Draven St. James18.Knight Blindness
19.Mina Carter 20.Marilyn Conner Miles Author
21.Lisa Chalmers22.Jean Joachim - Author
23.Library of the Seen24.Romance Beckons
25.Draven St. James26.Writer Wonderland
27.LENA HART28.Living the Dream
29.Jess Schira30.Jennifer Conner Writer
31.Kristina Knight, Romance Author32.Romance and More
33.Scandalous Stories34.David's Gift
35.Sasha Hibbs-Author 36.Cowboys and Indian Romances
37.Jade Barnaby38.Rayna Noire
39.Musings40.Write Stuff
41.A.R. Von42.John Zunski
43.The guardian an angel story44.Robyn Neeley
45.Kooks Nook46.K C Maguire
47.Krystal Shannan48.Sue Lyndon
49.laurenmariebooks.com50.CJ Burright - Author
51.More Romance Please52.Rhenna Morgan - Author
53.The Official Website of Tista Ray 54.Zoe Forward
55.MYTHICAL BOOKS (INT)56.Hilda Huru
57.Jess Buffett58.Willow Brooke
59.Sinfully Sweet Romances60.Danielle Belwater Author
61.Angela Ford Romantic Escapes62.Jackie Marilla
63.Kelly Ann Jacobson - Author64.Aymaran Shadow > Behind The Scenes
65.Donna M. Zadunajsky66.Donna Augustine

Thanks for participating.  Happy spring!


  1. Barn Swallows and Snow Drops :)

    mimismithblue AT gmail DOT com

  2. Longer days and the Gulf waters warming, YAY!


  3. I celebrate spring by doing the annual spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new!

    jacobsone AT katewwdb DOT com

  4. My favorite signs of spring is the longer days and beautiful weather.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  5. I enjoy the warmer tempts in spring and taking long walks, enjoy the outside. I got to take a walk today and loved it. Your book looks really good.
    lead AT

  6. I have a cherry blossom tree in my front yard and it is beautiful when spring rolls around and it starts to bud/blossom again.

    Renee .

  7. I don't really have any favorites for spring.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  8. The freesias are blossoming like crazy--love it!


  9. More sunlight!


  10. My mom's irises begin to bloom and I know that spring is in the air. If I was in Mississippi (my real home), I'd see buttercups(daffodils to Northerners) blooming everywhere. michelle_willms at yahoo dot com

  11. My favorite thing is when the flowers start to bloom ! I just love buttercups they are my favorite !

  12. My favorite signs of spring are warmer weather and pretty spring flowers.
    Janie McGaugh
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  13. I look forward to reading. My name is robyn donnelly. email:
